Saturday, January 25, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: columbine

I WITNESS: The return of Captain Wrecking Ball

Although Trump’s modus operandi is to never, ever tell the truth, the threats he made over the past few months and during his campaign were real.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Giving thanks

As we celebrate the season's bounty at our Thanksgiving table, our Self-Taught Gardener Lee Buttala is thinking about the alternative feast going on outdoors.

BCD joins national student walkout calling for strict gun controls, safer schools

Thousands of students nationwide are protesting the epidemic of school shootings. Gun violence in schools and the slaughter of school children has become a weekly affair. So far in 2018 there have been 20 school shootings, an average of 1.25 per week.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Rudiments of seed-saving

A gardener can simply collect seeds, sow them the next year and see what comes up, but a little understanding of the process can greatly impact the results.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.