Instead of including the considerations, FERC has maintained that all downstream emissions and climate impacts are inherently unforeseeable, and has thus asserted that the climate impacts of gas infrastructure is effectively zero.
Yet March brings the cruelty of delayed anticipation, of yearning for signs of new beginnings, of suspension between the end of one thing and the beginning of the next.
These goals and projects were identified through a day-long resilience building workshop held at Lenox Town Hall in November 2019, where a diverse collection of stakeholders convened to learn about the risks posed by climate change and how the community could be impacted in the not-so-distant future.
The collapse of the planet in 'Weather,' is like Moby Dick in 'Moby Dick,' the actual white whale who, in Chapter 113, still hasn’t made an appearance, though his presence has shaded every word.
“Talking about climate change as a fact or not a fact is a tremendous distraction from what is happening. I’ve stopped using the word ‘change’ and started using ‘crisis’ because that’s more accurate.”
-- Jovanina Pagano
Urging patience and practicality, adults theorize about the possible devastating effects of the climate crisis. But their possible tomorrows are the nightmarish likelihood of the soon-to-be present for Greta and her generation.
I'm likely to escape the worst suffering of the climate crisis, as the planet becomes less and less hospitable to life. But like many others, I care about the next generations.
During this, the Long Night Moon, I compiled a list of gifts of enlightenment for readers that will, in turn, support generous gift giving to the Earth.
In her letter, Ruth Heuberger writes: “Young people, especially intelligent ones, can generally be relied upon to sort out peer differences with little outside interference.”
With all due respect, small ideas aren’t going to cut it. Replacing single-use plastic bags from our supermarkets and replacing them with paper bags from desperately needed trees just makes some people feel better.
Why Are We Striking?
Because we are hoping for change in our world. We are not striking because it is what we should do, but because it’s what we have to do. We now have no choice.
-- Danny C.
In addition to the Simon's Rock students, the protest included approximately 300 other people, including students from Berkshire Country Day, the Berkshire Waldorf School and Monument Mountain Regional High School.