SBAS has been coming to the rescue of Southern Berkshire County since 1968. It is now part of a study aimed at evaluating the critical challenges facing EMS providers across the district.
With help from friends from Monument Mountain Regional High School, Friday’s performances will mark third annual wholly original night of comedy written and performed by students from Berkshire Waldorf High School.
At Hevreh of Southern Berkshire the evening will begin with a screening of the short film “Egg Cream” by Nora Claire Miller, Peter Miller and Amy Linton, a bittersweet look at memory, history, and the enduring meaning of the beloved chocolate soda drink born on the Jewish Lower East Side of New York City.
In addition to his long professional career at Austen Riggs, Dr. Eric Plakun is also a leader in organized psychiatry and psychoanalysis, the author of more than 50 publications, a member of several journal editorial boards, and a past member of the Harvard clinical faculty.
The Wild Thing races and walk will begin at Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, and the courses will feature the single-track trails and scenic carriage roads of adjacent Kennedy Park.
Inspired by the recent inclusion of Lenox as one of Expedia’s must-see literary destinations, 'A Novel Night Out' will benefit the programs and activities of the Lenox Library.
The Guido's housewarming party will serve as an official kickoff for the store's new cheese and provisions department as well as for new partnerships with Iredale Mineral Cosmetics and Chocolate Springs.
Andrea Harrington, candidate for state Senate, submitted well over the required 300 certified signatures to the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office and will appear on the ballot in the Democratic primary on Thursday, September 8.