Thursday, September 19, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeTagsCenter For Disease Control and Prevention

Tag: Center For Disease Control and Prevention

INTERVIEW: Villalobos Brothers at the Mahaiwe on Sept. 28

"It's an entire genre that people don't know much about, and we love it, because it features violin naturally, as part of the basic instrumentation." — Luis Villalobos

Coronavirus Live Local Updates

This page will be updated regularly, including on nights and weekends, to keep Edge readers apprised of the latest information locally on the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Update: Great Barrington suspends non-essential meetings, senior activities; lifts plastic water bottle ban

Earlier this week, the town announced the formation of a COVID-19 response group that is meeting regularly to evaluate public health information and determine any initial steps needed to protect residents from the COVID-19 virus to the best extent possible.

Student demands for gun control are reasonable, critically important

In her letter to the editor, Rita Kasky writes: "The student movement is crossing the country, educating our citizens (as more and more school shooting amass) and pleading for cooperation from all of us."

Amid national crisis Housatonic gun shop thrives as gun sales soar statewide

“It’s easy to sit back and look at a disaster and say, take the guns away. We do have strict gun laws and we still have a problem.” -- State Rep. William "Smitty" Pignatelli, D-Lenox

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