Wednesday, February 19, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Castle Street

NATURE’S TURN: Blizzard paints the high country

Every branch, twig, and evergreen leaf sported a white brushstroke before snow changed to freezing rain.

Remembering the ‘great’ Great Barrington tornado 25 years later

The National Weather Service reported that debris was carried more than 45 miles to the northeast in Belchertown, where a fairgrounds racing ticket was found along with white corrugated plastic roofing material.

‘After rain comes a rainbow’: Great Barrington crosswalks sporting new colors

Town manager Mark Pruhenski said the rainbow symbol is widely believed to have been launched in Italy, appearing in communities from western Europe to the United States.

Informal bunches of do-gooders: Good news in Berkshire County as of March 23, 2020

Berkshire County has been gearing up to support her more vulnerable citizens who have lost work, can’t leave their homes or are otherwise struggling with the vast new restrictions on everyday life.

Alan Chartock: I Publius

I have been washing my hands so many times each day that I am amazed there is any skin left on them.

To the relief of town officials, decrepit Castle Street firehouse is finally sold — again

In recent years the selectboard had become frustrated at former owner Tom Borshoff's lack of action and at his unresponsiveness.

Possible buyer surfaces for old firehouse; Mahaiwe, Warrior Trading owner expressed interest

Kate McCormick, who represents 20 Castle Street LLC and its principal, Tom Borshoff, would not identify the possible buyer of the property because a purchase-and-sales agreement had not yet been signed.

At annual gala, Mahaiwe will honor former board president Maggie Buchwald for her leadership, commitment to the arts

The Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center continues to operate debt-free to this day and has grown in every dimension, from the number of performances mounted and tickets sold to the number of students welcomed at education programs and other nonprofit organizations hosted at the theater.

Fiber expanding in downtown Great Barrington; officials tout economic impact

By the end of the summer, service is expected to be extended to the Mason Library and the town water department, known as the Great Barrington Fire District, on East Street.

Selectmen frustrated by glacial pace of Housatonic School reuse proposal

The plan, the only one the town has so far received after several requests for proposals, calls for an adaptive reuse of the vacant 110-year-old school on Pleasant Street in the center of the village of Housatonic.

Of plastic bottles and ‘marijuana wars’: a Great Barrington year in review

2018 has provided enough Great Barrington news to keep journalists busy and observers of town politics highly amused, signaling that the community dubbed "best small town in America" by Smithsonian Magazine continues to be a place in transition.

‘Fiber connectivity’: Work on high-speed broadband for downtown Great Barrington begins

The precise territory to be wired is not set in stone, but it will likely be confined to both sides of Main Street from Castle and Bridge streets to the Berkshire Bank and Lee Bank buildings. The wiring of Railroad Street will likely be coordinated with the new pavement and sidewalks it will be receiving in the spring.

News Briefs: GB Town Hall reconfiguration; Pignatelli honored by Mass. Rivers Alliance

Pignatelli and Gobi were responsible for the passage of a $2.4 billion environmental bond bill, signed by Gov. Charlie Baker in August, which allocated $55 million in funds for river and wetland restoration programs across the Commonwealth.

Great Barrington needs simple parking system

"I have no idea why increased construction should prevent the town from doing something it should have done a long time ago."

In the event of winter weather, batten down the hatches—and move your car

Effective Thursday, Nov. 15, 2018, through Saturday, March 30, 2019, overnight on-street parking is prohibited between the hours of 1 and 6 a.m.

Town offices will finally leave old firehouse in December; Housatonic water woes surface again

"We have mothers putting babies in dirty water for baths. Come on. I'm just furious over this. I'm grinding my teeth over this." -- Housatonic resident and Housatonic Water Works customer Michelle Loubert

CONNECTIONS: Dining on Berkshire history

In Berkshire County, from north to south, there are restaurants that have been serving hungry customers for more than 200 years.

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