Wednesday, February 12, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: bylaw

‘Borderland | The Line’ is a must-see

The filmmakers will lead a bilingual Q&A following the screening at The Triplex tomorrow night.

Great Barrington Selectboard backs away from enforcement of plastic water bottle ban

Selectboard Chairman Steve Bannon said he could not support enforcement of the bylaw until there is an implementation and funding plan for the series of water stations that are planned to help consumers refill the reusable bottles.

Students ‘shed new light’ on plastic water bottle debate

The message I was hoping to broadcast at the special town meeting in Great Barrington offers a different perspective on the conflict.

Cadre of residents, merchants look to repeal plastic water bottle ban

While a long list of businesses and other organizations said they supported the new bylaw, it did not sit did well with a number of other merchants, who felt the ban would harm their businesses or who objected on the grounds of legislative overreach. 

News Analysis: The Great Barrington marijuana wars

The Planning Board had a frank and often tense discussion with outgoing Selectboard Chairman Sean Stanton over which board should be the special permit-granting authority for marijuana establishments.

Stockbridge Planning Board opposes massive development project at former DeSisto School

At issue is that the plan ran afoul of the town's Cottage Era Estate zoning bylaw governing the development of a handful of historic properties in town that fall under that bylaw.

Final plans for hotel at Searles School await Selectboard review

“Saving the main building will lengthen our design and construction process and increase our costs but satisfying the community was very important to Vijay and me.” -- Chrystal Mahida, on why she and her husband Vijay revised plans for their Berkshire Hotel

Let’s have clarity about proposed hotel at the Searles School campus

Much of the discussion [about the hotel proposal] has either lost sight of the real issue or has twisted it into something it is not. I’ve been distressed by the seeming willingness of the participants in this debate to obfuscate what is, in actuality, a fairly simple question.

Searles School hotel plan violates intent of town bylaw

In his letter to the editor, Stephen McAlister writes: "What’s at stake here is the integrity of a New England town meeting, the most direct form of democracy on the planet."

Planning Board mulls hotel expansion that exceeds intent of 2008 room limit bylaw

“Towns can get what they demand. If you let [the business] run over you, they’ll run over you.” --- Jack Musgrove, Great Barrington Planning Board

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