Thursday, February 13, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: bus

Berkshire Hills Regional School District proposes increases and layoffs for fiscal 2026 budget

“This year is a tough one from a budget perspective,” writes Superintendent Peter Dillon. “For the first time in many years, we are planning for layoffs and other budget reductions as we work to make our budget increases more manageable.

Bring back bus stop signs, shelters to Great Barrington

I think that if there were bus stop signs at the stops/towns indicated, there would probably be more ridership.

Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: The Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott desegregated public transportation

In his 1974 book, “The Glory and the Dream," historian William Manchester writes: "It was an old southern custom for Negroes to surrender their seats to whites. It was also against the law for anyone to disobey a bus driver’s instructions. Mrs. Parks thought about it for a moment and then said she wouldn’t move."

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.