Thursday, February 6, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing



THE LAZY BERKSHIRE GARDENER: Week of February 6, 2025

Take photos and review what you do from year to year to learn more about your landscape. That record will make it easier to make pruning, planting, and pest-prevention decisions in the future.

News Brief: MassDOT announces additional regional transit authority funding awards

The award winners have been selected based upon factors such as whether projects will increase ridership, demonstrate innovation, serve a priority population, be financially sustainable and provide cost savings or operational efficiencies.

News Briefs: South County transit survey; man sentenced for reckless operation of a motor vehicle; two plead guilty to permitting bodily injury to a...

The Public Transit Advisory Committee will be charged with regularly evaluating the public transportation needs of South County residents, through surveys and public input meetings, in order to provide recommendations to the town manager, the selectboard and the BRTA.

‘Travel training’ needed for public transit

In his letter to the editor Tate Coleman writes: “One of the reasons people may choose not to utilize public transit in rural areas is they may not know about the system.”

BRTA funding threatened: Fare increases, route cuts are possibilities

Great Barrington Town Manager Jennifer Tabakin suggested better marketing targeted toward students and perhaps the many senior centers across the county. In addition, she wondered why the so-called CharlieCards, the BRTA's cashless payment system, were not available for purchase at places like supermarkets and pharmacies.

BRTA cutting Great Barrington express bus service in half

In his letter to the editor Tate Coleman writes: “The bus is a valuable resource in the community, and will hopefully become more utilized when bus stop signs are put up.”

BRTA service to MetroNorth at Wassaic more practical option

In his letter to the editor, Chip Elitzer writes: "A new train service to the Berkshires from NYC makes no sense. Metro-North already runs a frequent, reliable, inexpensive service between Wassaic and Grand Central."

Bring back bus stop signs, shelters to Great Barrington

I think that if there were bus stop signs at the stops/towns indicated, there would probably be more ridership.

Bits & Bytes: First Fridays Artswalk; DCSC March line-up; Ethan Frome talk; Jonathan Weiner at Williams; dementia, Alzheimer’s talk

The Down County Social Club (DCSC) will present area performers in its March line-up of events, beginning with the acoustic ensemble Quiet in the Head on Thursday March 3.

Bits & Bytes: First Fridays Artswalk; Friday night shopping; storytelling talk; 2016 VIM coupon book; Williams fiction reading

Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires (VIM) announces that the launch of the 2016 VIM Coupon Book will take place at the Lenox Holiday Stroll, Saturday, December 5, from noon to 4 at MacKimmie Company and Casablanca.

Bits & Bytes: First Fridays Artswalk; Andrew Vadnais at MCLA; Jay Craven at Simon’s Rock; ‘Metamorphoses’ at Berkshire School; blues jam at Helsinki Hudson

Andrew Vadnais, a long-time proponent of introducing environmental awareness and sustainability into secondary schools, will deliver an environmental issues lecture at MCLA.

Great Barrington Town Hall briefs

Sunday hours are the “busiest days for libraries across the country which have those hours. Nothing has gotten the same kind of public support as the one Sunday we were open.” -- Holly Hamer, president of the Great Barrington Board of Library Trustees

Great Barrington Selectboard endorses the Ride$hare concept

We believe that the Ride$hare concept – if widely adopted – could have important public benefits, including reducing gasoline consumption and air pollution, expanding the employment radius for job-seekers, and fostering a sense of civic connectedness. -- Great Barrington Selectboard resolution

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.