Thursday, February 13, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: brownfields

THE LAZY BERKSHIRE GARDENER: Week of February 13, 2025

Seeds are inexpensive compared to purchasing the same volume of produce. Make a plan to start some favorites this year!

Congressman Neal in Great Barrington, bearing gifts: An EPA brownfields grant

The $300,000 Brownfields Community Wide Assessment grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will be used to perform Phase One and Phase Two environmental assessments of several properties, most of them in and around the village of Housatonic.

100 Bridge: Separating fact from fiction, fear from fantasy

In his letter to the editor, Tim Geller, executive director of the Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire, writes: "The 100 Bridge site is singled out in the Town Master Plan for precisely the kind of development proposed."

Bits & Bytes: MASSGathering; ‘The Taming’ at Shakespeare & Co.; Lenox Rhubarb Festival; ‘As Was and As Is;’ EPA Brownfields assessment and clean-up funds

The Rhubard Festival will feature a rhubarb chili contest among Lenox restaurant chefs, an assortment of sweet and savory rhubarb creations from local bakers, and a Rhubarb Shop Walk.

Cleanup of Log Homes site begins with landmark bioremediation technique

If successful at the Log Homes site, bioremediation could revolutionize the way thousands of industrial parcels across the country are cleansed of pollutants.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.