Wednesday, February 19, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Brien Center

NATURE’S TURN: Blizzard paints the high country

Every branch, twig, and evergreen leaf sported a white brushstroke before snow changed to freezing rain.

PERSPECTIVES: From the tiny to the mighty: More than 300 Berkshire County organizations receive PPP loans

In Massachusetts, 18,177 small businesses received PPP loans, which the companies say allowed them to retain 738,613 jobs.

Coronavirus Live Local Updates

This page will be updated regularly, including on nights and weekends, to keep Edge readers apprised of the latest information locally on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Berkshire District Attorney’s office closed to public during pandemic

The office will be closed to all non-BDAO staff members. Any necessary meetings or interviews will be held via teleconference or at outside locations. 

Wellness Initiative presents recommendations to Berkshire Hills Regional School Committee

Seven wellness categories at the high school level were identified in which the district could be doing better: Physical Education, Substance Use, Mental Health, Commitment to School, Bullying, Diversity and Inclusion, Absenteeism and Commitment and Planning.

The Brien Center turns addiction into a story of hope, transformation and recovery

“The Brien Center is all about possibility. Anyone can recover, anyone can make a change in their lives." -- Brien Center Medical Director Dr. Jennifer Michaels

Business Briefs: Community Impact Award for Tanglewood; award for Bissell; Brien Center to honor McGraw; Geary joins Balance Rock; Fill-the-Basket campaign

Salisbury Bank’s 14 branches in Berkshire, Litchfield, Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster counties will collect nonperishable food items, household supplies and cash donations to be distributed directly to food pantries serving each area.

Business Briefs: AIM honorees; Villages of the Berkshire info sessions; Brien Center grant; ‘Workshopping the Appeal Letter’; Salisbury Bank Community Day

The Brien Center has been awarded a total of $357,480 in state grants to fund a first-of-its-kind program designed to reduce risky behaviors such as smoking, vaping, drinking and substance misuse that could compromise students’ futures.

‘Friends for Life’: Teens in crisis and the healing power of friendship

“I think some people can acknowledge depression and talk about it. But for some people, they don't even know what's going on. And they’re having all these symptoms, but they don't know what it’s from, and they feel like no one else is feeling like they are." -- Miranda Hastings

Bits & Bytes: Celebrate Stephentown; B’Shalom Chorale concerts; Du Bois talk; ‘The Opioid Crisis in the Berkshires’; flower show call for entries

On Sunday, Aug. 18, at the Lenox Town Hall, the Maimonides Society of the Berkshires will present “Opioid Crisis in the Berkshires,” a forum exploring the local impact of the opioid addiction crisis.

PROFILE: Sen. Adam Hinds looks back at legislative accomplishments – and challenges

The Edge recently sat down with Hinds in his Pittsfield office to discuss his proudest accomplishments, how to align workforce development needs with the education system, and his hopes and concerns about the rollout of recreational marijuana in the state, among other things.

News Brief: GBPD enlists mental health clinician

The Mental Health Co-Responder Program is designed to increase earlier identification and intervention for citizens with mental illness who have contact with law enforcement.

‘Good Science for Good Parenting’: Reducing risks for alcohol, substance abuse

Among the special concerns of the youth coalition members is a perceived deprioritization of health in our schools.

District Attorney Harrington establishes task force to combat domestic violence, sexual assault

In Berkshire County, poverty, the lack of transportation, rural isolation and other factors contribute to high rates of domestic and sexual violence. -- Elizabeth Freeman Center Executive Director Janis Broderick

Opening the Weedgates, Part VII: Youth at risk

Four years ago, 70 percent of South Berkshire 12th-graders reported having used marijuana at least once, and 41 percent reported use within the past month. In 2019, those numbers are 52 percent and 36 percent respectively.

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