"I am overjoyed and kind of surprised with my accomplishment getting into All-State and feeling very honored," said Monument Mountain senior Audrey Allard. "I'm super excited to perform alongside so many talented singers across the state in March.”
At Monday's selectboard meeting, member Kate Burke noted that the money cannot be spent yet because it was not budgeted for. The disposition of the funds will be discussed during budget deliberations this fall.
Theory Wellness, which opened its doors in 2017 in Great Barrington as Berkshire County’s first medical pot dispensary and earlier this year began selling the recreational variety, is partnering with organic farmer Ted Dobson to open an outdoor grow facility at Dobson's Equinox Farm on Bow Wow Road.
Outside the front door, there were a few heaters and a line of customers that snaked around the edge of the parking lot all the way to Route 7, where a table by the Marketplace Cafe was set up offering free hot coffee to shivering patrons.
Moratoriums on retail and cultivation facilities can extend, with the state attorney general’s blessing, into 2019. Townspeople must eventually determine such things as the number of businesses they will allow, what the maximum size may be, and where in town they can be located.
Theory Wellnesss' Great Barrington adult-use establishment would be the first in southern Berkshire County with its final license. But down Route 7 in Sheffield, Berkshire Welco received its provisional license yesterday by unanimous vote from the CCC, and without conditions
For now, it looks like adult-use sales will have to be cash-only. Since recreational sale and use of marijuana remains a federal crime, few banks that issue credit and debit cardsare willing to stick their necks out.