Wednesday, February 12, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: brassicas

‘Borderland | The Line’ is a must-see

The filmmakers will lead a bilingual Q&A following the screening at The Triplex tomorrow night.

NATURE’S TURN: Harvest, feast and prepare for storage, renewal

Harvesting, preparing and preserving the season’s crops, combined with ongoing care of the plants and soil, has reached a climax of activity.

NATURE’S TURN: Unwelcome cabbage white butterflies and dreaded cross-striped cabbage moths

Until last year, the imported cabbageworm – a soft, slightly fuzzy green worm – was the only cabbage-family pest most of us had experienced.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Seasonal affective disorder

How can we help but be confused if the spring catalogs come out in the dead of winter and the autumn catalogs come out when we're just planting in spring? Do gardeners care?

NATURE’S TURN: What does a gardener do in December?

Letting go of the garden – and the garden letting go of me – has seemed imminent for weeks!   

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.