As we have learned over the centuries, when it comes to burning witches, it doesn’t really matter if you have burned a real witch or just someone who, in your fevered, partisan, and paranoid imagination, could easily become a witch in the future. It is the burning that is the message.
Maplefest attendees will be able to visit a working sugar house, observe the finishing and bottling of the final product, gather sap, and taste homemade syrup on pancakes and “sugar on snow.”
On Saturday, Feb. 22, as part of the town of Great Barrington’s W.E.B. Du Bois Legacy Festival, Haigood’s Zaccho Dance Theatre comes to Bard College at Simon's Rock in Great Barrington to present the performance installation “Between me and the other world,” which explores race, identity and Du Bois' seminal work “The Souls of Black Folk.”
The book is ultimately a manifesto that turns a regressive notion about the causes of domestic violence on its head by illustrating domestic violence as a public health problem with solutions.
Families and people of all ages are welcome to join in an afternoon celebration of the winter solstice with music, song, ceremony and expressions of gratitude.
The goal of the Cooler Communities Challenge is to reduce a community’s carbon footprint and improve its resilience by showcasing students’ research and activities on climate, energy and environment to inspire people to take action.
Tom Stephenson, author of “The Warbler Guide” and several birding apps, will present an overview of the kinds of vocalizations that birds make, how they are acquired and how the song-learning process unfolds.
A cultural district must be a walkable, compact area centered on existing amenities, but the benefits of the designation extend beyond formal downtown borders.
During an open and informative conversation about food access in the New Lebanon area, attendees will discover more about current affordable food options in New Lebanon well as future solutions including a mobile grocery market and retail food outlet.
BCC's STEM Starter Academy aims to recruit, engage, retain and move forward students who are planning to enroll in science, technology, engineering and math programs.
The “Table to Farm” window decal helps the public identify restaurants that are composting their food scraps and each restaurant that participates in the program receives a few decals to display in its windows.
In Great Barrington The Meat Market will host its fifth annual Sausage Fest on Saturday, April 2, from noon – 6 p.m., featuring 12 housemade sausages simulating an international trip.