Saturday, October 5, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: bottled water

I WITNESS: Clean up on aisle five… and six

I firmly believe that women should be running the show, globally.

Bottled-water ban should focus on all plastics, not just water bottles

In a letter to the editor, Janis Bosworth Graham-Jones writes, "The single, most effective thing a consumer can do to reduce plastic pollution of our environment is to ensure that any used plastic container enters the recycling chain directly from their hand.​"

Environmental activists want to ban the sale of popular water bottles

If it passes at town meeting, the GB On Tap program intends to provide additional drinking fountains and bottle refilling stations throughout town. In addition, it will help participating merchants and restaurants offer refillable water bottles for sale.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.