"We also know that hate never travels alone," Jewish Federation of the Berkshires Executive Director Dara Kaufman told The Berkshire Edge. "We’re in a community where if you stand up for one, you stand up for all."
Installment #5: If your kid won't sit still to read, podcasts may be the answer. Author Sheela Clary talks with internationally known children's podcast producers who live here in West Stockbridge. Would you share your own experiences? Please send them to Sheela.
t the end of the day, this is what Baum is inching these women toward: to stand in their Armenian-ness, to look at their neighbor as a safe person, and to recognize that in this practice — as a fellow artisan in this community — they can ask one another for help and feel part of something together.
Hannah Van Sickle interviews Great Barrington author Aaron Thier about his latest book, ‘The World is a Narrow Bridge.’ Thier will be reading from his book at The Bookstore in Lenox on Monday at 5:30 p.m.
In her letter to the editor, Susie Kaufman writes: “I was stunned to learn that New York State -- and no doubt other states -- are severely restricting access to books for incarcerated persons.”
“Americans today are no wiser than the Europeans who saw democracy yield to fascism, Nazism, or communism in the twentieth century. Our one advantage is that we might learn from their experience. Now is a good time to do so.”
-- Timothy Snyder, from ‘On Tyranny’
"On a Monday morning on the thirtieth day of the inhospitable month of two-faced January, in 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power by the standard process of constitutional democracy."
-- from “An Unlikely Hero”
The Bookstore has also been a place of comfort, in that special way good bookstores are, for people who want to step out of modern life’s constant buzzing.
It is bursting with titles and special editions and things you never even knew about. The cookbook section is a knockout. And the children and young adult section is enchanting.