Tuesday, February 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Board of Health

CONNECTIONS: In this fraught time, focus locally

It is important for us to feel relevant at a time when it is easy to feel small and impotent.

State ethics panel blasts West Stockbridge fire chief for ‘multiple conflict of interest violations’

Peter Skorput, fire chief and a former selectboard member, allegedly "committed multiple conflict of interest law violations, including setting stipends for himself, his daughter and his nephew; voting as a selectboard member to reappoint himself fire chief; and terminating a firefighter who had filed a complaint against him.”

Residents balk at Housatonic marijuana manufacturing site

Fulcrum has signed a purchase-and-sales agreement to buy 5.78 undeveloped acres from the Nolan family at 22 Van Deusenville Road to construct and operate a cannabis cultivation and manufacturing facility.

State DEP issues ‘unilateral administrative order’ against Housatonic Water Works

Housatonic Water Works Co-owner Jim Mercer explained that there is no threat to public health. Nor does the unilateral administrative order from DEP state that there is such a threat.

Solicitation ban at town dump raises possible First Amendment issues

West Stockbridge — It might have sounded innocent enough. Ostensibly in response to complaints from residents about being accosted by salesmen, the Board of...

Residents challenge rate hike in neglected West Stockbridge trailer park

People who can’t afford to live anywhere but a trailer park have so many obstacles constantly before them. “Many in the park say, ‘it’s just how things go for people like us.’ It’s the mentality of, ‘you can’t fight city hall.’ ” -- Evie Kerswell, tenant spokesperson for Mill Pond Trailer Park in West Stockbridge, Mass.

What’s the source of contamination at Green River swimming hole?  

Great Barrington Health Office Jayne Smith said that there isn’t a lab in the region that could pinpoint the E. coli strain by type of animal, however. The value of E. coli testing, she said, is that it is an “indicator organism that there is feces present.”

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