BIFF to screen ‘The Story of Plastic’
Great Barrington -- The Berkshire International Film Festival will present the documentary film “The Story of Plastic” Sunday,...
It's hard to say why so many people with an affinity for neither the gospel nor gospel music weep when they listen to Aretha sing the gospel classics, but Mick Jagger could probably explain it, because he was present at the 1972 recording session for "Amazing Grace."
“The Pollinators” features the filmmakers talking to farmers, scientists, chefs, economists and academics to give a broad perspective about the threats to honey bees and what it means for food security.
In addition to this re-orientation toward the title character, the screenplay by Semi Chellas offers some interesting revisions of Shakespeare’s original.
"I suddenly had some questions about how our food’s being grown here in America… There’s a huge disaster going on right now that few people even know about."
-- Bonnie Hawthorne, writer and director of 'Dreaming of a Vetter World'
When the idea of a cultural council was first floated early this year, town officials emphasized that applying for the designation will cost the town nothing and that anyone whose property is included in a cultural district will face no additional limitations on the use of that property.
"We all love living here and want to be able to work downtown, go downstairs and get coffee and go across the street and get food. I like to go next door to buy my clothing."
-- Asa Hardcastle, whose Tonic 5 software development company is on the floor above Tom’s Toys on Main Street
The film was complicated but enriched by actually showing the real students,14 years later, after serving prison time for the consequences of their crime.
It was, in fact, the perfect introduction to the story of a woman who asked a simple question: Did the Sheffield Resolves, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts include her?