SBAS has been coming to the rescue of Southern Berkshire County since 1968. It is now part of a study aimed at evaluating the critical challenges facing EMS providers across the district.
After the motion to place him on leave passed, Skorput resigned and walked angrily out of the meeting room in Town Hall, followed by other fire department members and supporters.
Peter Skorput, fire chief and a former selectboard member, allegedly "committed multiple conflict of interest law violations, including setting stipends for himself, his daughter and his nephew; voting as a selectboard member to reappoint himself fire chief; and terminating a firefighter who had filed a complaint against him.”
The task of hiring a new town clerk will fall to new town manager Mark Pruhenski, who himself was only hired this spring and is currently in his first week on the job.
Almost 20 people, including Selectman Bernie Fallon, briefly spoke in favor of a moratorium, arguing that a delay in accepting applications for dispensaries would "give the town some breathing room" and time to prepare itself.
Flynn, a former member of the Southern Berkshire Regional School Committee who has become embroiled in a battle over whether to keep the South Egremont School open, lost by more than anyone expected to McGurn, a retired business school dean who has never held elected office in the town, by a margin of 343-112.
"If I was ever going to run [again], I believe in letting voters know in advance. As if there isn't enough fake news."
-- Former Sheffield Selectman Rene Wood