Participants will learn concrete steps that they can implement at a low cost to improve their web presences and search engine results in order to thrive in the upcoming business environment.
The U.S. Census Bureau has extended the national deadline for active data collection until Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, in most parts of the country, including U.S. territories.
She started attending graduate school at the Conway School of Landscape Design in Northampton, where she received a master's degree in sustainable landscape planning and design. She later served an internship at the Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, where she developed zoning bylaws for the city of North Adams.
The questions I pose are prompted from years working to create strong coalitions to fight General Electric - a rare coalition of former GE workers, sportsmen and women, local Lakewood homeowners whose front- and backyards were contaminated with high levels of PCBs, and environmentalists.
These goals and projects were identified through a day-long resilience building workshop held at Lenox Town Hall in November 2019, where a diverse collection of stakeholders convened to learn about the risks posed by climate change and how the community could be impacted in the not-so-distant future.
“Talking about climate change as a fact or not a fact is a tremendous distraction from what is happening. I’ve stopped using the word ‘change’ and started using ‘crisis’ because that’s more accurate.”
-- Jovanina Pagano
The Community Development Block Grant housing rehab program income limits will range from $49,700 for a single-person household up to $98,700 for a family of eight.
State funding also uses federal census numbers to allocate grants. So having an accurate count of our town’s population is crucial to having programs adequately funded.
Census specialist Mark Sebastino emphasized that all responses are protected by Title 13 of the federal code, which prohibits the Census Bureau from sharing personal information with any other government agency or court.
The decline is steepest among those from 18 to 39 years of age. Also, the population is skewing toward older adults, most of whom are retired or approaching retirement age.
The FY2020 Community Development Block Grant housing rehab program income limits will range from $49,700 for a single-person household up to $98,700 for a family of eight.
A draft analysis of the cleanup alternatives essentially presented two options: Excavate and dispose of soil and remediate groundwater under the footprint of the demolished dry cleaning building; or do so in a larger area around the footprint.
This survey of a portion of Great Barrington's rich catalogue of historic buildings was a significant undertaking for the Historical Commission. It provides the town with the first of a series of reports that provide documentation of sites worthy of preserving and those potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.