Saturday, September 7, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Berkshire Hills Regional School Committee

I WITNESS: Canaries in the coal mine (Part One)

I am a realist and a humanist who has spent a lifetime trying to understand the lessons of history, and who is watching the planet that I live on, and love, succumb to the first self-inflicted mass-extinction episode of all time.

How South County schools are coping during ‘unprecedented times’

With end-of-year exams and graduations approaching, what are schools doing to keep the educational process going at such a crucial time of the year?

Wellness Initiative presents recommendations to Berkshire Hills Regional School Committee

Seven wellness categories at the high school level were identified in which the district could be doing better: Physical Education, Substance Use, Mental Health, Commitment to School, Bullying, Diversity and Inclusion, Absenteeism and Commitment and Planning.

Rumored bomb threat at Monument unfounded, district officials say

In an interview, Superintendent Peter Dillon said he and other school officials could not find any evidence of a bomb threat, which was the most pressing concern.

‘Everything was pointing in this direction’: Pathways to the Trades is putting students to work

Participants will spend two to four afternoons per week working hands-on in the work world, on construction sites and working farms, earning both class credit and stipends, and learning skills in virtual and physical 'makerspaces.'

Berkshire Hills responds to anti-Semitic threats at middle school

But as everyone agrees, any responses must be part of a larger community reckoning with societal problems that our schools reflect but do not create.

Alan Chartock: I Publius

Frankly, I never wanted to get into this, but the issues here are so clear and the arrogance of the Great Barrington Selectboard majority is so great that I am doing what I have to do.

Consolidation for dummies: BHRSD and SBRSD officials briefed on nuts and bolts of merging

Forming a new or combined district, as both have indicated a willingness to explore, could take a minimum of two to three years. In addition, there would need to be a transition period of several months to a year.

In ‘historic night,’ two districts set wheels in motion for merger

Berkshire Hills voted unanimously to appoint two subcommittees. The first will focus on the nuts and bolts of a potential consolidation. On the recommendation of the Southern Berkshire school committee, a second subcommittee would focus on the educational aspect of the potential consolidation.

Mary Panzeri, 93, of Hampstead, N.C., formerly of West Stockbridge

Mary worked for 37 years as a hairdresser for her own beauty shop in West Stockbridge.

South Berkshire selectmen more receptive to Berkshire Hills merger than school officials

All school committee members were willing to listen but many were skeptical about whether the process would ultimately lead to success.

Looking back, looking ahead: Efforts to name a school after the legendary W.E.B. Du Bois

Now another movement to rename a different school building in Berkshire Hills is taking shape. Supporters of Du Bois are ramping up an effort to rename Monument Valley Regional Middle School in memory of Du Bois.

SBRSD to Berkshire Hills: Letter about consolidation ‘feels like backstabbing’

At last Thursday’s school committee meeting, Rich Dohoney of Great Barrington proposed that Berkshire Hills issue a written request to its member towns, along with the Southern Berkshire Regional School District and its own member towns, to form a planning board "for the purpose of either forming, or consolidating into, a regional high school district to serve grades 9-12."

If voters approve a new Monument Mountain Regional High School, students seek input in its design

Led by senior Lucy Doren, about 20 Monument students created a survey to distribute to fellow students, broke up into small groups and began imagining a design crafted around a core schedule, natural lighting, an enclosed courtyard, break-out spaces and more space for the school's growing career and vocational technical education program.

‘Good Science for Good Parenting’: Reducing risks for alcohol, substance abuse

Among the special concerns of the youth coalition members is a perceived deprioritization of health in our schools.

Of plastic water bottles, weed, Du Bois and zoning: Great Barrington annual town meeting preview

Minus the education side, the proposed town budget itself will rise from $11.37 million to $11.55 million, for an increase of only 1.6 percent.

For many Great Barrington voters, a tough decision for selectboard awaits

"I have no idea how this election will turn out. I put signs up this weekend. I asked some people to put up signs and they said no. They liked everybody." -- Great Barrington Selectboard Chair Steve Bannon

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.