As we have learned over the centuries, when it comes to burning witches, it doesn’t really matter if you have burned a real witch or just someone who, in your fevered, partisan, and paranoid imagination, could easily become a witch in the future. It is the burning that is the message.
The Berkshire Edge Magazine is happy to present Berkshire Grown's annual guide to food and farms. Keep Farmers Farming! Find their products in this guide.
When county schools closed March 13, Jenny Schwartz quickly became a liaison of sorts between schools and community partners, with representatives from about 15 groups who have been meeting regularly via Zoom to gain traction on the myriad challenges surrounding food insecurity.
A growing sea of similar stories that swell amid these trying times - when kids are out of school, parents are out of work, and the infrastructure of community that so many rely upon in order to survive feels tenuous at best.
In Berkshire County, roughly 10 percent of residents are food insecure, which means they do not have reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food.
Regardless of what chef Josh Irwin makes for the Harvest Supper, it will utilize in-season produce grown on the premises of his restaurant or gleaned from a cache of about five local farmers he tries to support as much as possible.
Bach Project’s Day of Action to be held at First Street Common
Pittsfield -- Yo-Yo Ma’s Bach Project, in partnership with Hancock Shaker Village, will...
Great Barrington -- “This will be the best year yet,” Kelley Vickery, founder and artistic director of the Berkshire International Film Festival, stated during her...
Jake Levin is passionate about educating others, in particular about the merits of having respect for farmers, where your food came from, and how it got onto the dinner plate.
“The markets are where the life is, where the future connections are, and where I find others who are like-minded.” --Dori Pollinger of H.R. Zeppelin Fine Handmade Chocolates
When I walk out side and look up to the sky I realize: If you want to change your life, just try to find a way to do it. Life is short and the stars are bright, you just have to be looking up from the right spot.
Feb. 2 marked the return to 10 hours of daylight; as a result, Johnson’s seed house is currently brimming with all varieties of microgreens that are lush, healthy and being consumed at a rapid clip at the myriad local restaurants for which she is the supplier.