The FY2020 Community Development Block Grant housing rehab program income limits will range from $49,700 for a single-person household up to $98,700 for a family of eight.
“We are making every effort to prevent tragedy both to the individuals who are suffering from abuse, to local law enforcement who face risk every time they respond to domestic violence incidents, and to the public at large who face increased risk of gun violence from domestic abusers.” --Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington
The Public Transit Advisory Committee will be charged with regularly evaluating the public transportation needs of South County residents, through surveys and public input meetings, in order to provide recommendations to the town manager, the selectboard and the BRTA.
"When I was younger, I was an A student, in the 98th percentile on all the tests. I did ballet. You wouldn’t have thought I would end up the way I did. All my teachers thought I had a lot of promise and would do well in life."