The new initiative includes prioritizing diversion, expanding community programming, advocating for new policies, and creating a community-led advisory committee.
Clinton Church Restoration awarded National Trust for Historic Preservation grant
Great Barrington -- Clinton Church Restoration Inc. is one of 22 sites and organizations dedicated...
Though a date is not yet confirmed for completion of fountain installations, merchants who are still selling plastic water bottles of 1 liter or less are urged to begin phasing out their supplies.
The grand jury indicted Carey Pilot, 46, and Gary Linen, 39, on the charge of first-degree murder, and also indicted Pilot on the charge of intimidation of a witness.
Smith struck and killed Gerald P. Scott Jr., 53, on Jan. 19, 2017, while Scott was riding his bicycle along Linden Street near Robbins Avenue in Pittsfield.
The audit, which was requested by former District Attorney Paul Caccaviello shortly after his March 2018 appointment, provides newly sworn-in District Attorney Andrea Harrington with recommendations to address these areas.
Great Barrington Police Chief Bill Walsh said his department "played a minimal role in this operation"; that he reported it to his boss, Town Manager Jennifer Tabakin, the next day; and that he responded to media inquiries on the incident.