It is great to see her building upon Smitty Pignatelli’s excellent work in improving emergency medical/ambulance services, and vital for the Berkshires with its aging population.
The size of these Gilded Age estates helped create South County’s unique beauty and semi-rural character. For a video tour of the cottages, go to the end of the article.
Blantyre is a true restoration in that it can transport the guest back in time. But now this Berkshire Cottage is on the market. Will it -- can it -- be acquired by someone who respects its original architecture and does not demand density for profitability?
The building is stridently modern. The art and the architecture of the Frelinghuysen Morris House and Studio, on Hawthorne Street in Lenox, celebrate the owners and what they treasured.
This sale of Cranwell will be the tenth in a series, and it will not be the last. It is not the first attempt to turn an epitome of indulgence – a Berkshire Cottage -- into a profit center. It is not the first attempt to change a building symbolic of another age into something useful in this age.
'We are not against Elm Court. We encourage smart growth, but this is the commercialization of a rural neighborhood.'
--Old Stockbridge Road resident Barney Edmonds
'Elm Court…has become famous…as an example of what the progressive modern spirit, backed up by abundant capital, can accomplish.'
-- Berkshire Resort Topics, 1904