Written and directed by John de Graaf in 2019, the film explores the concept of cohousing, an intentional community of private homes clustered around shared space.
BerkChique! is being presented by and in support of WAM Theatre and its programs, with additional donations going to the Berkshire Humane Society, Community Access to the Arts and IS183 Art School of the Berkshires.
A grant of $147,572 will support design, renovation and repairs at the Studio for Integrated Craft in Housatonic, the former Housatonic Curtain Company mill at 430 Park St.
The Four Freedom Coalition's 'Step Up: Empowering Ourselves' will focus on specific issues, how they affect the community, and what the public can do at the local level to address them.
David Bollier is an author, activist, blogger and independent scholar with a primary focus on the commons as a new paradigm for economics, politics and culture.
Will Conklin, executive director of Greenagers, is being honored for his leadership of the organization’s outdoor jobs and environmental education program for youth.