New York City-based John Gordon Gauld holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts with honors from the Rhode Island School of Design and is a recent recipient of the Martha Boschen Porter Grant from the Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation.
Underwritten by AARP Massachusetts, the volunteer fair at St. James Place in Great Barrington will give 35 nonprofits as well as municipalities the opportunity to meet face to face with prospective volunteers.
The Brooklyn-based trio of Matt Evans, Amy Garapic and Carson Moody makes their own blend of instrumental minimalism while opening up the possibilities of instrumentation through commissioning and collaboration.
New to the Grow Show is a digital photography show, a children’s edible arrangement workshop, and the men’s floral design competition “Game of Flowers.”
Twenty-five antiques dealers will be spread out on the Great Barrington Historical Society’s lawns, and the expanded Book Nook will be loaded with rare magazine issues, old volumes and lots of cheap books.
She enjoyed various hobbies including oil painting, gardening, vacationing, antiquing, entertaining and making sure the wild animals who frequented her yard were well-fed.
Based in New York City, Nancy Lorenz incorporates techniques from traditional Asian crafts, drawing on her years spent living in Japan and a 35-year career as a contemporary abstract painter.
New this year at the BBG plant sale is the Plants-and-Answers booth staffed by the Western Massachusetts Master Gardener Association as well as by gardening professionals who will also provide practical advice on growing and caring for plants.
Special guests the Urban Choral Arts Society from Baltimore, Maryland, will make a return appearance at the Cantilena Chamber Choir concert, and Martin Luther King Jr. will be remembered in poems and speeches.
Berkshire Botanical Garden’s annual exhibition of New England springtime flowering bulbs heralds spring's long-awaited, if belated, arrival in the Berkshires.
The Mindfulness-Based Eating Awareness Training program uses mindfulness meditation, eating exercises, instruction and self-reflection to cultivate awareness and help repair the relationship an individual has with food.
Arne Maynard revealed that he begins each project by looking to the natural environment for grounding and inspiration. He observes the wild plants and insects, listens to the birds and seeks out signs of other wildlife in order to become aware of the place that will be the setting for his garden design.
Co-curated by New York art world veteran Hope Davis and painter and musician Sharon Gregory, “ESCAPE” is multi-dimensional, exploring a wide range of visual expressions and media including paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture.