I am a realist and a humanist who has spent a lifetime trying to understand the lessons of history, and who is watching the planet that I live on, and love, succumb to the first self-inflicted mass-extinction episode of all time.
Gov. Charlie Baker recently awarded the Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire an allotment of the 2020 Community Investment Tax Credit Program in the amount of $150,000.
On the same day that World Wrestling Entertainment was deemed an “essential business,” the American First Action political action committee, which is chaired by...
Donald Trump did an about face from downplaying the number of possible COVID-19 deaths in America, now suggesting that 2.2 million people here could die.
Ben Hillman recorded this video of the March 24 March for our Lives in New York City, one of hundreds of such marches nationwide prompted by the February 14 slaughter of 17 high school students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. During the marches hundreds of thousands expressed their outrage at the prevalence of guns, assault weapons, gun violence, and the cowardice of Congress in not enacting gun control measures to keep our children safe.
Filmmaker Ben Hillman, accompanying a contingent of Berkshire County residents, recorded the Women’s March this past weekend in New York City that protested the Trump administration’s policies toward immigrants, the environment, women’s rights, and Trump’s threat to the integrity of democracy. Here is the video report, narrated by Jim Frangione.