Saturday, February 8, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: bears

I WITNESS: Erasing democracy is easier than you think

Donald Trump is a zero-sum kind of a guy. He only feels that he has won if everyone else loses, and in order for everyone to lose, they have to be destroyed.

Illuminating the Hidden Forest, Chapter 47: Balancing bears and ourselves

Through experiences such as these, people can come better to appreciate the natural world and to care about threats to its well-being.

Illuminating the Hidden Forest, Chapter 45: Finding community in bears and cairns

This bear and her cub have, however, given us a gift. In this time of social distance, our mutual delight in the bears is bringing our neighborhood together.

Illuminating the Hidden Forest Chapter 12: I’m not afraid of bears

I’m not sure what I would do if I encountered a bear, but my childhood fantasy is that I’d talk to it nicely and it would know that I meant it no harm.

Bearing with bears

To the editor: I live in Stockbridge, where several bear incidents in the past led to bear deaths. These had been prompted by human interest...

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