Wednesday, February 19, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: asters

NATURE’S TURN: Blizzard paints the high country

Every branch, twig, and evergreen leaf sported a white brushstroke before snow changed to freezing rain.

The Self-Taught Gardener: After the fall

As squirrels gather acorns for winter sustenance, our Self-Taught Gardener Lee Buttala, takes in the beauty of fall as the emotional equivalent.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Courtly behavior

Our Self-Taught Gardener Lee Buttala can't help but wonder why the U.S. Congress can't learn from the garden, where diversity gets along just fine.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Flower power

Flowers from the composite family, actually hundreds of flowers held tightly together to look like one, gave me a vision of how we can all come together to provide the world with a little color and beauty.

The Self-Taught Gardener: On Prairie Avenue

South side natives and North Shore residents of every ethnicity imaginable stood side by side, weathering the cold to get tickets to an unimaginable moment: a speech commemorating our first black President and his eight years in office.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.