SBAS has been coming to the rescue of Southern Berkshire County since 1968. It is now part of a study aimed at evaluating the critical challenges facing EMS providers across the district.
Nicknamed 'New Branches on Ten Old Trees,' the program, devised specifically for Berkshires Jazz, is based in part on Laszlo Gardony’s new album 'La Marseillaise.'
Kids 4 Harmony, a program of 18 Degrees, is inspired by Venezuela’s El Sistema, an intensive, values driven, ensemble-based approach to teaching classical music to effect social change.
WAM Theatre has announced a Berkshire County tour of “FRACTURED DREAMS,” a collaborative devised production between WAM’s new Elder Ensemble and its Teen Ensemble.
Diane Taraz will explore the life of Elizabeth Freeman in the music of the time by performing in period clothing and accompanying her singing on lap dulcimer.
The goal of the Cooler Communities Challenge is to reduce a community’s carbon footprint and improve its resilience by showcasing students’ research and activities on climate, energy and environment to inspire people to take action.
For the fourth annual Berkshire Earth Expo, Living the Change Berkshires is taking a cue from the town of Concord and bringing the Cooler Communities challenge to Berkshire County.
Participants of 'An Old-Fashioned Christmas' will be able to trace the history of the Christmas tree from the Colonial period to the Victorian era, the 1950s and on to the modern day.
The Safe Sitter course provides hands-on practice in lifesaving techniques to young teens who are home alone, watching younger siblings or babysitting so they will be equipped with the skills and confidence to act in the event of an emergency.
The Literacy Network of South Berkshire has announced the receipt of a $50,000 gift from the Matthew and Hannah Keator Family Foundation to enhance LitNet’s citizenship program.