Sunday, October 13, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Ariel Bock

THE OTHER SIDE: It doesn’t matter if you won or lost

The Declaration of Independence makes crystal clear that the Founders fought for the proposition “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …” Having lost the 2020 election, Donald Trump became the first president in our history to oppose the peaceful transfer of power and to try, in...

REVIEW: Shake & Co’s ‘The Children’ is engrossing and disarming

Characters prevail with a splendid trio of Shakespeare & Company veterans, who take on colloquial (and fully comprehensible) English accents.

THEATRE REVIEW: In Shake & Co’s ‘The Children,’ drama leading to tragedy is as funny as can be

It is deceptively simple, but there are so many layers of truth, humor, history and relationships that to dig through the surrounding fields of emotion to find the right spot for each and every one of them must have been a remarkable experience.

THEATRE REVIEW: Lucy Kirkwood’s ‘The Children’ is startling, riveting

Seldom are audiences treated to such excellent ensemble acting.

Three Shakespeare comedies highlight Shakespeare & Company’s 2019 season

“The strings of the heart” is artistic director Allyn Burrows’ concept theme for the summer and he has chosen a quartet of very contemporary plays to flesh out the idea.

Bits & Bytes: ‘Beyond the Veil’ at the Mahaiwe; Kimball Farms art exhibit; ‘New Illuminations’ with Suzi Banks Baum; Sauerkraut Seth at Roe Jan...

Inspired by the exclusion of Du Bois from the region’s cultural history, 'Beyond the Veil' examines racism in the higher echelons of society and ponders what would happen if the racial veil were lifted and two iconoclasts could see each other clearly.

Bits & Bytes: ‘Cellblock Visions: Prison Art in America’; Lubchenco at Bennington College; ‘Russian and Soviet Film Music’ at the Mount; ‘QWERTY’ at Mixed...

In her lecture, Lubchenco will draw on her four years as the under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and the administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Bits & Bytes: ‘Hairspray’ at Berkshire School; Money School; fuel assistance concert; ‘Lovers’ Spat: Round Two’; Eleanor Roosevelt lecture

Money School is an award-winning financial independence initiative designed to create long-term safety and economic security for survivors of domestic or sexual violence.

Bits & Bytes: Botanical Garden art show; ‘Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley;’ ‘Real People, Real Stories;’ Pajama Night at Lenox Library; Olga Dunn Dance...

At the Lenox Library pajama night stories will be read by Lenox Board of Selectmen Chairman David Roche, Lenox Public Schools superintendent Timothy Lee, the Bookstore proprietor Matt Tannenbaum, Lenox Community Center youth services coordinator Michelle Messana and Lenox Library youth librarian Katie Wallick.

Bits & Bytes: First Fridays Artswalk; Old Mill Trail work party; ‘Really’ staged reading; waste oil & paint collection; local poet at Mass. Poetry...

Volunteers are needed to help clean the trail of winter debris, rake leaves, pick up trash, replace lost markers and hand-pull invasive plants such as garlic mustard, celandine and winged euonymous.

Bits & Bytes: Stockbridge Sinfonia concerts; berry foraging hike; Behold! New Lebanon tours; Berkshire Children & Families’ Golf Classic; ‘Modern Treasure Chests;’ Shake &...

The Stockbridge Sinfonia, a community orchestra in existence for over 40 years, is conducted by Simeon Loring and comprised of volunteer musicians of all ages, from high school students to retired local residents.

PREVIEW: ‘Ugly Lies the Bone,’ intriguing tragicomedy at Shakespeare & Company

This is a new, exciting work by a young woman who sweeps away easy answers, rejects clichés, and challenges the audience.

Bits & Bytes: African-American Leadership Caucus; Hilton Als at Williams; Halloween at the Mount; Chief Wynn presentation

The focus of the African-American caucus is the reduction and eventual elimination of racial disparities in health, workforce, and education. The essential issues the meeting will address include the Berkshire experience for African-Americans.

The Ages of Aquarius: Turbulent evolution of Shakespeare & Company

"I know I’m supposed to say that I’m excited about the season coming up, but I am actually really excited about the season coming up. I think our education process is great and our training program is having an outstanding success. Maybe I’m being a bit Pollyanna, but from where I’m looking, the company is really doing great." -- Jonathan Croy, interim director at Shakespeare & Company

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.