Even though I consider it a goofy, boring waste of time, it has been difficult for me to understand why the federal government has been in such a lather about TikTok.
Renovations like this are done for many reasons, but the top three reasons are economic, practical considerations, and love. “Love” played no small role in the owner’s decision to do this work.
Tired or lazy, I left the rest and planted flowers and grasses, never giving the place another thought before I discovered I had the ruin I always wanted.
If I had to say what is common to all good art, whether it be architecture, art, cinema, dance, music, or any other form, I’d say it was, finally, the unpredictable.
Here are a few projects where we found the space by inserting, carving out, and adding where possible to get that powder room without losing too much valuable space.
My contention has long been that everything we create is a lens through which we can understand the entire culture of the time; we really are what we build ... the end product represents a consensus of the values, aspirations, myths and fears of the cultures at that time and place.
Renovations like this are done for many reasons, but the top three reasons are economic, practical considerations, and love. This renovation combines a bit of all three but “love” played no small role in the owner’s decision to do this work.