“John” is unlike anything I have ever seen before, and that's really saying something considering all that I've seen in my long theater-attending lifetime.
I didn't anticipate enjoying a play in a tunnel. I certainly had no idea what I would be finding in three actors I don't know. Even without the offered brownies I would have been compelled to praise the work done by Emergent Ensemble in Housatonic. I have to wonder how they will follow the success of this very strange, but wonderful, play.
"I have my favorite sounds; I admire the work of certain producers; and I have a really strong sense of how a Dust Bowl Faeries recording can in and of itself be a work of art, especially given how Ryder[Cooley] is more than just a bandleader – she’s a multimedia artist, a visual artist, a performance artist.
-- Music producer Seth Rogovoy
What happens when a group of strangers living in a Vermont village sign up for drama class? During the 6-week course, what starts as ridiculous and at times seemingly pointless acting exercises turn into something entirely different.