Thursday, February 13, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Andrew Jackson

State Rep. Davis requesting meeting with DPU about Housatonic Water Works lack of compliance with state-mandated projects

In her letter to DPU officials, Davis wrote that "Water is a fundamental public good, and I will continue to advocate for sustainable solutions to provide clean, reliable water to all residents."

CONNECTIONS: Is two-party system at risk?

Like now, at the time of the birth of our nation, there were two parties: the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans. Within three decades, one would disappear.

CONNECTIONS: Unpopular presidents

All five received mixed reviews, but possibly all presidents do. What they accomplished and how their terms were characterized varied.

BOOK REVIEW: Michael Waldman offers a critical lesson about the struggle over the meaning of ‘The Second Amendment’

As increasing numbers of our friends and neighbors and children die at the hands of those who wield weapons of war, Waldman offers a wise and unfortunately essential look at how we got here.

CONNECTIONS: The counterfeit veto

Untruth from the White House to the public is rife. Actually, it is more subtle than Twitter rants riddled with identifiable lies.

CONNECTIONS: Affairs of state, or state of affairs

Were we simpler and purer then; were the scandals? Were we more sensitive to over-stepping and wrong-doing, less willing to overlook it and quicker to condemn? Perhaps, but explicit details rouse emotions then and now.

Two Tough Guys and “The Course of Empire”

Jackson’s upswept silver coif seems to foreshadow Trump’s layered goldilocks arrangement – the two tough guys revealed as natural-born hairdressers.

CONNECTIONS: Character assassination, an American political tradition

Principles, reason, and policies don’t stand a chance against snappy character assassination, juicy alliteration, and fear mongering. What will the American public do?

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