“I worry about what happens to our students when their leaders lose sight of whom they serve," said Du Bois Middle School Spanish teacher Mercedes Girona. “I understand that there are budget cuts, but I feel like there needs to be a little bit more humanity."
Danielle Skraastad stars in "Homebody" as an inquisitive British housewife safely ensconced in her respectable kitchen and who grapples with Afghanistan’s turbulent history and her own rather unremarkable life.
Lady Rizo works a song portfolio from Nina Simone to Leonard Cohen with a set of pipes that would make both Janis Joplin and Donna Summer be sure she never opened for them — she’d be too good.
The object of the selection of winners is not to single out the “best” in any category, but to reward the outstanding elements of the season, the work that is not possible to forget, that stands out, that exemplifies excellence.
The 2015 film 'Packed in a Trunk' follows Emmy Award-winning writer and director Jane Anderson as she and her wife, Tess, attempt to unravel the mystery of her great aunt, Provincetown painter Edith Wilkinson.
At the Lenox Library pajama night stories will be read by Lenox Board of Selectmen Chairman David Roche, Lenox Public Schools superintendent Timothy Lee, the Bookstore proprietor Matt Tannenbaum, Lenox Community Center youth services coordinator Michelle Messana and Lenox Library youth librarian Katie Wallick.