"We are committed to deepening our engagement with local residents and community partners by opening the Linde Center’s doors year-round to present programs that enrich and enliven arts and culture in the Berkshires area," says BSO President and CEO Chad Smith.
Every morning during the span of this post, it is worth the effort to be at a location with a west-southwest view an hour before sunrise to see the pairing of Jupiter with Virgo’s brightest star, bluish Spica.
Although moonlight will screen out a view of all but a fraction of the shooting stars in the Geminid meteor shower, “a patient observer may be able to spot 20 or so per hour, even from urban locations,” according to the United States Naval Observatory writer.
I gazed at the two distinct bands of shimmering colors, one set above the other, with pleasure; they were like the mother of pearl inside an abalone shell.