Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: African Americans

THE OTHER SIDE: Trump woke the world

The new Trumpian America, led by an authentic American "hero," is determined to put others in their place.


And yet even with my family and professional history, I am learning daily about acts of racial policy and violence in our country’s history and in contemporary life that I hadn’t known, and that connect the dots to reveal a country bathed in the blood of racism.

AUDIOBOOKS: African and African American authors

In honor of the Black Lives Matter movement, we are reviewing three audiobooks by African and African American authors.

FILM REVIEW: Spike Lee’s ‘Da 5 Bloods’ ambitious, in tune with historic moment

The fact is that the core of his film is his evocation of how black soldiers were used as cannon fodder in Vietnam, which has remained a barely told story. And he evokes that story very movingly.

Information adds to knowledge of the founding, history of the NAACP

In a letter to the editor, Ruth Heuberger writes, "Particularly in light of historic discrimination to Jews and African Americans, it shows common cause for fairness and justice."

Poor People’s Campaign ‘a broad and deep national moral fusion movement’

The movement, made up of individuals from all walks of life, hinges on a simple yet staggering fact: There are 140 million poor and low-wealth people in the richest country in the world.

Peace on the left, justice on the right

I tell you all this because what’s new is old to me. And I have a slightly different perspective on the events following George Floyd’s murder.

LEONARD QUART: Righteous protests begin to have an effect

Still, I felt that in the absence of any semblance of national leadership, there was a need for more than righteous anger from the protestors.

Area school counselors commit to anti-racism

In a letter to the editor, Anne Thidemann French and Ward Johnson write, "Our students need us now more than ever as they try to understand and make meaning of the violence in our society."

Our duty to create a more perfect union

It is vitally important for those of us who have not been affected by racial discrimination and oppression to be the allies of those who are.

Resistance to America’s ‘double system of justice’ has long history in Great Barrington

In a letter to the editor, the Clinton Church Restoration board members write, "Du Bois’ writing in 'Souls' reminds us that the systemic racism that led to the murder of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and too many other Black people in this country is not new."

The ox, the ass and Judge Byington’s gate: Harriet Beecher Stowe and Laurel Cottage, Part I

A who’s who of 19th-century American authors who rented or visited Laurel Cottage includes Harriet Beecher Stowe, Herman Melville, Nathanial Hawthorne and the English poet Matthew Arnold.

Clinton Church Restoration founder Wray Gunn reflects on 90 years and life in the Berkshires

March 11 marked Gunn’s 90th birthday; his fervent wish is to see his family’s church preserved and returned to the center of community life.

CONNECTIONS: James VanDerZee of Lenox, photographer of Harlem Renaissance

“Harlem on My Mind” was a retrospective about the Harlem Renaissance. Someone suggested the Met archivist ask VanDerZee if he had any photographs.

AMPLIFICATIONS: What’s a mother to do?

Being a single mother, I am using every tool at my disposal to keep her sane, sober and healthy.

152 years later: Myriad lessons surrounding Du Bois’ enduring legacy

When Randy Weinstein came to live in Great Barrington at the age of 18, he remembered Du Bois’ name being “surrounded by controversy, [and] disparaging [comments],” at the time, something for which Weinstein had zero tolerance.

W.E.B. Du Bois Legacy Festival: Collaboration with Jacob’s Pillow

On Saturday, Feb. 22, as part of the town of Great Barrington’s W.E.B. Du Bois Legacy Festival, Haigood’s Zaccho Dance Theatre comes to Bard College at Simon's Rock in Great Barrington to present the performance installation “Between me and the other world,” which explores race, identity and Du Bois' seminal work “The Souls of Black Folk.”

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.