Saturday, February 8, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: 2020 Census

I WITNESS: Erasing democracy is easier than you think

Donald Trump is a zero-sum kind of a guy. He only feels that he has won if everyone else loses, and in order for everyone to lose, they have to be destroyed.

News Brief: Census response rates show gains, still behind state, national rates

The U.S. Census Bureau has extended the national deadline for active data collection until Saturday, Oct. 31, 2020, in most parts of the country, including U.S. territories.

Bits & Bytes: WordXWord January 2020

WordXWord barges into the new year with three January events in Pittsfield, Mass.

Business Briefs: E2E showcase; ‘Green Inspiration’ check presentation; homebuying workshop; Hawthorne Valley acquires Oliva Provisions; nonprofit Census preparation

On Nov. 14, Davis Gregory Art presented a check to the Friends of the Great Barrington Libraries and Berkshire Grown for over $2,000.

Business Briefs: Williams sustainability map; census talk; Greylock donates to Goodwill; Marcus joins Berkshire United Way; Cardillo joins BFAIR

This year’s meeting will feature a presentation and discussion on the reasons why a complete census count is important for Massachusetts, the challenges facing the 2020 census in particular and the role that nonprofits can play to help ensure an accurate count.

Business Briefs: Summer pop-up gallery; Dr. Alsdorf joins CHP; Massachusetts Nonprofit Network issues census report; Salisbury Bank awards scholarships

Dr. Stephen A. Alsdorf has joined the primary care staff at Community Health Programs in Great Barrington.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.