In her letter to DPU officials, Davis wrote that "Water is a fundamental public good, and I will continue to advocate for sustainable solutions to provide clean, reliable water to all residents."
Many of the dishes to be served at the Heritage Festival and Family Feast date back to Colonial New England and will be prepared according to heirloom recipes, including brown bread, cornbread pudding and baked beans.
Selectman Ed Abrahams said he does like the idea of a public-private partnership because, even if it means the town still owns the building, at least the town would retain some control over its future.
The exhibit includes works of more than 30 local artists who work in diverse media including oil and watercolor painting, pastels, colored pencil, photography, sculpture and pottery.
FilmColumbia 2016 will get underway with a special James Ivory tribute and kick-off celebration on Saturday, Oct. 22, benefiting FilmColumbia and the nonprofit Chatham Film Club.
The geological history of the Pacific Ocean has long transformed us but, from a Western perspective, its human history is quite young, beginning with Magellan’s 16th-century circumnavigation.
--- Author Simon Winchester, on his new book about the Pacific Ocean