Tuesday, October 8, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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SOUL SUPPORT: One Minute Meditation (a video)

It’s a good practice to cultivate acceptance and kindness for all parts of ourselves, and all of humanity.

Buddhism teaches about the practice of meditation…just sitting, watching (without judging or resisting) thoughts and feelings that arise.

It’s a good practice to cultivate acceptance and kindness for all parts of ourselves, and all of humanity.

Sometimes sitting in meditation even for one minute can seem daunting. Mindfulness is just being aware of each moment, carefully attending to even the most subtle sensations of movement. Test your skill! Can you simply watch this meditator for a single minute?



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PETER MOST: Lies, damn lies, and Housatonic Water Works’ valuation

In HWW management, we have true visionaries who chose an unconventional path to personal prosperity. HWW management said, when no one else would consider thinking it, “let’s run HWW into the ground for profit.”

I WITNESS: Clean up on aisle five… and six

I firmly believe that women should be running the show, globally.

CONNECTIONS: Let us hope we all vote

The party thinks Harris is running a flawless campaign. She is taking the fight to Trump. She wiped the floor with him during the debate. She is young and energetic. So, 72 days after Biden stepped down, and 35 days until Election Day, where are we? The polls say the contenders are tied.

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