Thursday, September 12, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeViewpointsSOUL SUPPORT: Collected...

SOUL SUPPORT: Collected moments

Each moment of our lives matter, the ones we delight in, the ones we wait for, the ones we hate, the ones we ignore…

Each moment of our lives matter,

the ones we delight in, the ones we wait for,

the ones we hate, the ones we ignore…



The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.

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PETER MOST: Primary thoughts

In Ms. Davis and Mr. White, you had two candidates asking for your votes based on their demonstrated dedication to worthy issues, their established record of performance, and promises to work hard for the Berkshire Third.

CONNECTIONS: My 40-year relationship with Tanglewood

I was there for Lennie’s birthday and that phenomenal cake. Bernie cut it from the rung of a 10-foot ladder and handed me a piece.

I WITNESS: Canaries in the coal mine (Part One)

I am a realist and a humanist who has spent a lifetime trying to understand the lessons of history, and who is watching the planet that I live on, and love, succumb to the first self-inflicted mass-extinction episode of all time.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.