Childhood memories bloat with confusion
combing back loose hair.
One minute i am a sabre tooth tiger
ripping bed sheets laced with Ginseng
the next clutching straws
muddled in thin air
avoiding passing head lights
beaming over shrinking ceilings.
This to be born into an elaborate trap
Every year before Santa arrives
Fills me with unanswerable questions
crammed with chocolate into a woolen sack.
Today if i ask what if
all i get is some guy upstairs
always remember your feelings
are never really the facts.
i hate facts I wail
i want feelings again.
The numb dumb ones gift wrapping gifts
have to be better than none at all.
i know i held them once
lip to lip and word on word
smoking shared cigarettes
under the shade of any old moon.
Between hot cider and eggnog
I am a scaled fish ready for the fryer
lost inside a nightmare
perfected by a unique way of thinking.
a learning curve spiraling off the charts
swimming in shadows of rancid oil.
counting words carefully watching you
refold tissue paper with the ability to fend off
diluted conversations
one click away
from i am okay
to thank you very much for asking.
This age ignites
Candle lit numbness.
In the corridors
Before we died
I have to say I miss the battles
And quit your bitchin
go sulk with your Clash
was always a favorite
I miss the report back
after taking your meds
the order to look out the window
before go jump out the window
feed the cat
try reading a book
do anything except this pacing
around you call work
lie if you have to
go on try it for size
before long dreams
shatter the half-filled glass
with a mouth stuffed with carrot cake
quitting sugar is easy
living in a land laced with ultimatums
score charts marked his and hers
where is my hat?
here is your halo slamming the door
my face feeling the ice
bouncing along the floor.
i am done you say
maybe i will call you later
but if there is a reply
if there is a text or hint of a tone i do not like
i am going to reply
very calmly at first
you can cook the flowers tonight honey
i am out reliving your poetry
which one? i ask
can I text back?
the shitty one
pause of course.
some say they are all shitty
i want to text
no this is one of your classic
wanna be romantic shitty ones
can you tell me
how does it end?
something about sharing cigarettes
under the shade of any old moon.