Great Barrington —Two of the three H’S would pretty much describe it. Hot with 10 days of 90 degrees or hotter. Add to that 10 days of upper 80’s. As a matter of fact, on only three days did temperatures fail to make 80.
The humidity at times was brutal. In 18 of the 31 days dewpoints were 70 or higher and on one occasion, the DP hit 80, an unheard of reading, but the second in as many years.
Now on to precipitation, or lack of it. The total of 2.49 inches was deceiving. 2.13 inches came in a 24 hour period. The rest of the month was bone dry in Great Barrington and much of the rest of South Berkshire.
If we discount the 2 plus inches of rain in that 24-hour period, we had less than a half inch which would have been the driest by far. The reason! Rain and thunderstorms went around us. A good case in point: July 31. All the storms went by to our south and ended up slamming the central and eastern part of the region. The National Weather Service had no plausible answer except “those things happen.”
So, it looks like a few days of comfortable weather, then back to heat and humidity next week.
Enjoy it while you can.
1-Jul 83 55 FAIR
2-Jul 81 55 CHANGING
3-Jul 89 60 FAIR
4-Jul 92 59 FAIR
5-Jul 90 61 FAIR
6-Jul 91 71 CHANGING 0.10
7-Jul 81 51 CHANGING 0.01
8-Jul 83 52 FAIR
9-Jul 85 59 FAIR
10-Jul 88 54 FAIR
11-Jul 86 64 CHANGING 0.04
12-Jul 81 64 CHANGING
13-Jul 86 62 FAIR
14-Jul 85 63 FAIR
15-Jul 82 57 FAIR
16-Jul 90 54 FAIR
17-Jul 90 71 CHANGING 0.14
18-Jul 75 69 CHANGING
19-Jul 93 68 CHANGING
20-Jul 94 73 CHANGING 0.06
21-Jul 92 69 FAIR
22-Jul 75 63 CHANGING 1.22
23-Jul 75 62 CHANGING 0.91
24-Jul 80 59 FAIR
25-Jul 82 54 FAIR
26-Jul 87 55 FAIR
27-Jul 86 57 FAIR
28-Jul 89 62 CHANGING 0.01
29-Jul 90 66 FAIR
30-Jul 92 65 FAIR
31-Jul 82 67 CHANGING
Month 86 61 MEAN: 73.5 2.49
AVERAGE since 1965: 83/59 Mean 71 Rain 4.6″
AVERAGE since 2000: 83/60 Mean 71.5 Rain 4.93