Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeLife In the BerkshiresNick Diller: February...

Nick Diller: February 2024 weather summary: Snowless

As far as February went, it was one of the warmest and driest months we’ve had this century and the last.

Barren landscape and a barren tree. Does this look like February? Does this look like winter? Maybe this is what winter will look like from now on. I, who like snow and snowshoeing, won’t like it. Winters in the Berkshires is one the reasons I love it here.

Oh, we had a little snow. But what little we got quickly melted away. In some areas of the country this has been the warmest winter ever, especially in the Northeast. EL Nino and the storm track were mainly responsible, according to Weather Wunderground, a weather app that monitors weather all over the world, and from the Climate Change Institute and NOAA. Warmer ocean water temperatures mean we are prone to more storms.

As far as February went, it was one of the warmest and driest months we’ve had this century and the last.  The month finished a close third warmest, with the least amount of snow and overall, the sixth  driest.

The photo in this story graphically illustrates how the month and winter have been. This may be the new normal. This new normal will mean lower heating bills, but more energy consumption during the summer months.

The month of March is now upon us and we know from experience that some of history’s biggest storms have occurred this month. I won’t put away the snow blower just yet.

I hope it’s a good month for you to get ready for the garden planning and seed starting.


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