Great Barrington — Very warm, little snow, and a little more rain were the highlights of the weather for December 2021.
Yes, we had a white Christmas, well, the morning showed snow. But, by sunset it was almost gone and it was back to brown as my backyard photo shows.
In my almost 58 years of weather record keeping, this December was the second warmest; only 2015 was warmer. It was the ninth least snowy December, trailing number one 1999, which had just a trace.
The melted and rain total came to 3.35 inches, which gave 2021 a final mark of 59.38 inches. Compare that with 63 inches in 2018 and only 40 inches in 2016.
A strange jet stream configuration has kept the cold Canadian air out, sort of like weather stripping our northern neighbor. Forecasters call it the La Niña effect, which the Climate Prediction Center says is a phenomenon that describes cooler than normal ocean surface temperatures in the Eastern and Central Pacific Ocean, regions close to the equator off the west coast of South America. In some parts of the world, La Niña causes increased rainfall, while in other regions it causes extreme dry conditions, and for us a very mild end of the year. This condition typically will last an average of 9 t0 12 months, but sometimes years.
What it has done for our weather is made it warmer. Nearly all December days were above average. The month finished with a 36.5 degree average; normally it’s 29. The snow for the month was 3.9 inches, normally it’s about 14.
Will the new year continue the La Niña effect? For the winter recreation enthusiast, I hope it turns more wintery. I feel for the ski areas.
Have a safe and healthy January. If you get time during this very warm period, please come to Great Barrington’s newest park, Dewey at Gilmore Avenue, just off State Road, and enjoy.