Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeLife In the BerkshiresNICK DILLER: August...

NICK DILLER: August 2022 continued drought conditions

August made it three straight months of below the now 58-year mark and some of the region’s bodies of water are showing it.

Great Barrington — It was another drier than average month. August made it three straight months of below the now 58-year mark and some of the region’s bodies of water are showing it.

Our most influential body of water is the Housatonic River. As the photo shows, its water level is so low as it flows under the Bridge Street bridge in Great Barrington you can wade across and the water will only come up to your waist.

Further north the river level measured with a ruler implanted below the reconstructed bridge on Division Street in Great Barrington shows the water level below the ruler. This ruler is monitored by the state hydrologist who said the entire commonwealth along with most of New England is drought stricken, a pattern that really developed earlier this year down east.

 Yes, it’s been a dry August and overall, a dry summer, however, by no means has it been the driest August. 2022 was the 14th driest.  FYI, 1966 with just .73 was the driest August for Great Barrington.

The month was  hot and humid  with 15 days of dew points in the 70s coupled with temperatures nearly every day in the 80s including seven of those above 90.  We typically get three 90 readings and usually about 10 for the summer.

Will summer linger through September? More and more around here the answer is yes.

I guess we should enjoy it.

August 2022 weather statistics



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