Farley-Bouvier calls for vote on MassDOT pay-by-plate turnpike fee
Pittsfield — State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier is calling for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) board to vote, on Thursday, Oct. 6, to lower the proposed 30-cents-per-gantry fee for pay-by-plate users of the Massachusetts Turnpike. The MassDOT board agenda includes discussion and action on all-electronic tolling including an update on public comment.
On Friday, Oct. 28, the new all-electronic tolling system and proposed new fees are scheduled to go into affect. While Farley-Bouvier has been actively arranging for the MassDOT E-ZPass van to come to Pittsfield to assist Berkshire residents to obtain transponders, she has heard from infrequent turnpike users who either prefer to not have a transponder or who have not yet obtained and are concerned about the high penalty fees attached to pay-by-plate use.
In the urgent request, Farley-Bouvier noted that the fee was unfair to Berkshire residents who infrequently need to travel to Boston. During a public hearing held last month in Lenox, Farley-Bouvier noted that the proposed fees would mean that a single, one-way trip would cost Berkshire pay-by-plate users $11.20, a large increase from the $5.90 cost for those with an E-ZPass.
“The MassDOT Board should lower those per-gantry fees or put a per-trip cap on the penalty. Imagine a senior citizen going to Boston for a medical appointment paying over $22 in tolls round trip. That toll is far too high and particularly unfair to Berkshire residents,” said Farley-Bouvier.