CPA applications available
Great Barrington – The Great Barrington Community Preservation Committee (CPC) is now accepting Community Preservation Act (CPA) funding applications for the coming fiscal year. The CPA funds projects for four purposes: open space, community housing, historic resources, and recreation. Only applicants who successfully complete both steps of the application can be considered for funding.
Step 1 applications are being accepted until 4 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 1. Any Step 1 application received after 4 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 1, will be rejected. After reviewing the Step 1 applications, the CPC will invite the eligible applicants to submit Step 2 applications, which must be received no later than 4 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 3.
For more information and to receive a copy of the application, contact Town Planner Chris Rembold at (413) 528-1619 x7.
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Bureau of Forestry to offer pre-harvest tours
Boston – Foresters from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will lead tours of prepared timber sale areas at which they will discuss forest management techniques, provide a view of the trees designated for harvest, and explain how harvest operations will take place. A detailed silviculture prescription for each harvesting operation will be provided to attendees. The tours culminate a public process that included public meetings and a written comment period on each project. The tours will be conducted rain or shine as indicated below. Attendees are encouraged to dress for the weather and to wear sturdy shoes.
Tuesday, Aug. 16, 4 – 5:30 p.m., Pittsfield State Forest, Pittsfield:
DCR Forester Kevin Podkowka will lead a tour of the 97-acre planned timber sale in a northern hardwood forest. Meet at the parking area in front of the gate, 1 mile south of Rt. 43 on Potter Mountain Road.
Wednesday, Aug. 17, 3 – 5:30 p.m., Sandisfield State Forest, Sandisfield:
DCR Forester Jeff Martin will lead a tour of the 75-acre planned timber sale in a northern red oak forest type. Meet at the York Lake Day Use Area, from where tour attendees will carpool to the site. The Day Use Area is .3 miles east from the intersection of Rt. 183/New Marlborough-Sandisfield Road and East Hill Road in New Marlborough. Note that the tour of the timber sale will require an approximate 20-minute walk (non strenuous) to reach the project area.
For additional information about the tours and DCR forest management, call Management Forestry Program Supervisor William Hill at (413) 545-3891.
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Emerald ash borers and ash tree treatments available
Sheffield — On Wednesday, July 20, Barrett Tree Service, Inc. became the first area tree care company to preemptively treat ash trees using a plant-based pesticide to ward off the emerald ash borer (EAB). Said Barrett Tree Service President Winthrop Barrett, “Neonicotinoids are synthetic pesticides that resemble nicotine and are currently used by other arborists to treat the emerald ash borer. However, they are a large contributor to pollinator collapse and finally starting to be banned in other countries around the world.” Barrett encourages customers and local municipalities to take time to inventory and survey the ash trees on their properties. “Now is the time to proactively treat if you have ash trees you want to save, as I found the emerald ash borer in Pittsfield this spring. It has also been found in Lee; Torrington, Connecticut; and southwest Columbia County in New York. The EAB moves approximately 5 miles a year. And it is here.” Barrett said.
The first EAB infestation in Berkshire County was discovered in Dalton in 2012. According to the EPA, those within 15 miles of a location where the EAB has been confirmed within a quarantined county can legally start treating your ash trees to potentially save them.
For more information on treating ash trees, contact Barrett Tree Service, Inc. at (413) 229-9914 or A general information site on the EAB is available, as is one about the Massachusetts EAB quarantine.