Thursday, September 12, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Lake Mansfield Improvement Plan is long overdue

In her letter to the editor, Rachel Fletcher writes: “The Lake Mansfield Improvement Plan now proposed represents the fulfillment of an idea envisioned more than 40 years ago.”

To the Editor:

Many years ago, I discovered some old Great Barrington Master Plans dating back to the 1970s. To my surprise, they recognized the much-maligned Housatonic River as an essential natural resource and called for its revitalization. That discovery gave me the courage and incentive to embark on what is known today as River Walk. The other resource cited in those plans was Lake Mansfield. I mention this as a reminder that the Lake Mansfield Improvement Plan now proposed represents the fulfillment of an idea envisioned more than 40 years ago. It will improve water quality by repairing compromised lake banks and filtering storm water runoff. Its impact speaks to the long-term health of the environment and affects the entire watershed. It is a plan that has been a long time coming—and it is long overdue.

Rachel Fletcher

Great Barrington, Mass.


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Friends of the Notch Reservoir and Bellows Pipe Trail propose preservation of 1088-acre North Adams-owned forest

The forest is already owned by the city of North Adams. Protection could easily be more financially lucrative than logging, with far less risk or expense for the city.

Town of Lee responds to Peter Most’s Aug. 23 column

Mr. Most is free to seek to burnish his reputation as a crafty lawyer, but we are guided by something far different: the effort to seek what is right, just, and beneficial for our town, regardless of who eventually comes out with the winning hand.

We all need to fulfill our responsibilities to democracy if we are going to retain it

Michelle Obama and Kamala Harris gave us the direction to “do something”—this applies to all of us.

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