To the editor:
This is a response to Ms. Anidjar’s letter. There are a few corrections that should be noted.
Contrary to Ms. Anidjar’s indictment of me for being a Realtor and landlord, we are, by and large, people who do care about our community as demonstrated, at least in part, by my volunteer service to the Town as a member of the Planning Board and a number of other town boards for the last 25 years. And yes, I actually do spend a lot of time and effort trying to promote affordable housing for everyone in our community, which includes renters who represent a third of our population.
The amendment will not, as stated, reduce the number of long-term rentals on the market, but may, in fact, have a beneficial effect on that market because some rent challenged tenants may be able to stay where they are, as opposed to moving out of the area so the rent can be raised.
Clearly if she had read the actual amendment, she would see that it requires tenants to be full-time residents of the property, not friends and family of the landlord who do not live there, as she maintains.
Taking a vote, at whatever hour, with more than 150 percent of a quorum in the room is not “a serious disservice to this town.” On the contrary, I commend those voters for their service to the town with their fortitude and patience in attending a nearly five hour long Annual Town meeting. Democracy does work. Better here than many other parts of the country.
If Ms. Anidjar has questions or needs further clarification, I would be happy to meet with her and even buy her a coffee in support of a local business.
Jonathan Hankin
Great Barrington
Jonathan Hankin is a member of the Great Barrington Planning Board and an Associate Broker at Berkshire Property Agents.